Monday, October 31, 2022

ESPN says Kyrie Irving needs to answer for promoting anti-semitism, October 31, 2022

Kyrie Irving being shamed for being 'anti-semtic' by ESPN, October 31, 2022.

Today is the 31st of the month, and notice Kyrie wears #11, the master number. *31, 11th prime; Jew = 11

This news comes on a date with 83-numerology.

10/31/2022 = 10+31+20+22 = 83

Furthermore, this comes on his 223rd day of his age, and notice 'The Synagogue of Satan' equates to 223.

Don't overlook the 7-months and 9-days either...

Read about the Underground Railroad shooting, which came on Eric Adams' 223rd day of his age, April 12, 2022, here:

Keep in mind, the tweet was posted Saturday, October 29, 2022, a date with 81-numerology.

10/29/2022 = 10+29+20+22 = 81

Ritual = 81 / 81

Again, Kyrie Irving has been used as a pawn for the 'anti-vaxx' narrative last year, now here's another example.

How the media used agents like David DePape to make the "truth" community look crazy+ Paul Pelosi attack, October 31, 2022 news

Where is Nancy? = 144 / 54; Paul Pelosi = 144 / 54; Jesuit Order = 144 / 54

CNN with the 39-minute post... Masonry = 39; Federal = 39

The media for years, has always used people like David DePape to make us 'truth seekers' look like crazy conspiracy theorists.

Notice in gematria, the supposed attacker's name goes with conspiracy.

Federal = 51; Rome = 51

The attack came on Paul Pelosi's 197th day of his age the 45th prime number, October 28, 2022.

197, the 45th prime number

Paul Pelosi = 45; IHS = 45; Ritual = 45 

Think about how the media is saying David DePape was supporter of #45, Donald Trump.

And today the attacker is being charged with federal charges, 199-days after his birthday

199, the 46th prime number; Catholic = 46

The attack also came 216-days after her birthday, again 6x6x6 is the product of 216.
Number of the Beast = 66 / 87 (Bill Gates' birthday)
David DePape = 87
-Tom Brady and his wife divorced on 87th day of age
-Jerry Lee Lewis dead at age 87, etc.

2:23 in the morning? Can you say Skull and Crossbones?

October 31 leaves 61-days left in the year (News = 61)

This is the supposed attacker, David DePape.

It looks like a photo from the website ''

This news also comes 219-days after Nancy Pelosi's birthday, the Roman Catholic.

Catholic Church = 219

Notice the word 'hammer' goes with the surname Pelosi.

Again, as for him being 42 years old...

Jesuit = 42; Freemason = 42; *Georgetown = 42

Sunday, October 30, 2022

The death of rapper Da Real Gee Money, September 10, 2017, in relation to NBA Youngboy (Mr. 38 Baby)

Da Real Gee Money, a Baton Rouge rapper, died September 10, 2017.

He was killed on his 88th day of his age, his birthday being listed as June 15.

Some publications list his birthday as June 14, which means he would've died 88-days after his birthday, or on his 89th day of his age. Da Real Gee Money = 89

He was also close to another rapper Fredo Bang, and interestingly, he died a span of 201-days before his birthday, for the Jesuit connection.

The Jesuit Order = 201; Order of Illuminati = 201

Keep in mind he is most known for his diss towards NBA Youngboy entitled 'Industry'.

This came 14-days before his death. Dead = 14

This song released 311-days after NBA Youngboy's birthday, or 44-weeks later.

311, the 64th prime number; Kill = 44 / 64; Da Real Gee Money = 44; Shooting = 107 / 109 / 44

It is important mention, this rapper's premature death came 40-days before NBA Youngboy's birthday.

You could also say his death came a span of 41-days before his birthday.

179, the 41st prime number; LA = 41 (Louisiana)

Notice the name of the suspect 'Deandre Fields' sums to 61, and October 31 is the day leaving 61-days left in the year.

Deandre Fields = 61 / 74; Jesus = 61 / 74; Cross = 61 / 74; *Rapper = 74; Killing = 74; Louisiana = 61

Read about Chicago rapper Lil Mister, with the surname Fields killed in a 74 ritual here.

October 31 is Halloween, and notice where that fits in.

Recall Da Real Gee Money died 40-days before Mr. 38 Baby's birthday, or a span of 41-days (read above).

Saturday, October 29, 2022

D.H. Peligro, Dead Kennedys drummer, dead at 63, October 28, 2022

He died 111-days after his birthday, or on his 112th day of his age.

Catholicism = 112; Mathematics = 112; Jesuits operate in 112 nations

He is dead at age 63, notice where 'The Dead Kennedys' fits in.

When I think about Kennedy and 63, it reminds of John F. Kennedy, being assassinated in '63.

And notice the overlap between 'bathroom' and 'drummer'.

10/28 = 10+28 = 38; Death = 38; Killing = 38 / 43; RIP = 38 / 43

Friday, October 28, 2022

Jerry Lee Lewis, Great Balls of Fire singer, dead at age 87, October 28, 2022, on Bill Gates 67th birthday

Jerry Lee Lewis, the Rock 'n' Roll singer, dead at age 87, October 28, 2022.

Keep in mind he is dead on Bill Gates' 67th birthday.

He was also known as the 'Killer', another 67.

Blood Sacrifice = 67; Human Sacrifice = 67; Satanic = 67

Just a few days ago, most media outlets falsely reported him dead, October 26, 2022, the day leaving 66-days left in the year.

He also died 29-days after his birthday, and it is known that he married his cousin, Myra Gale Brown, in 1958. His death comes 109-days after her birthday, the 29th prime number.

109, the 29th prime number

Keep in mind October 28, the day leaving 64-days left in the year.

10/28/2022 = 10+28+(2+0+2+2) = 44; Kill = 44 / 64

He also died on a date with 80-numerology, and he was a 'pianist'.

10/28/2022 = 10+28+20+22 = 80; Piano = 80; *Satan = 80

Think about his known record 'Great Balls of Fire', like hell?

Great Balls of Fire = 156 / 96; Bill Gates = 156; *William Henry Gates = 96 (dead on his birthday)

Sai Varshith Kandula, the supposed Neo-nazi who tried to crash into White House, sentenced to 8 years in prison, January 17, 2025 news