Friday, February 18, 2022

Freemasonry | GOP representative Jim Hagedorn, dead at age 59, on February 17, 2021, on Michael Jordan's 59th birthday



Jim Hagedorn, the GOP congressman is dead at 59.

In light of him dying at 59, notice he died on Michael Jordan's 59th birthday, February 17, 2022.

Michael Jordan = 59; *Pope Francis = 59

Don't forget that modern Freemasonry was created in 1717 by the Jesuit Order, which was 59-years before the founding of America in 1776.

As for him, he died 163-weeks after taking office, January 3, 2019.

163, 38th prime; Minnesota = 38 

-George Floyd died on the corner of 38th Street

Also, notice how he shares the birthday with #44, Barack Obama, August 4th.

Barack Hussein Obama = 163 (163, 38th prime)


He is died the previous day, Thursday, February 17, 2022, which could be written as 17/2 like 172.


The day he died, February 17, 2022 had 25 numerology. 
2/17/2022 = 2+17+(2+0+2+2) = 25
Death = 25 / 97 (97, 25th prime)

The news of his death broke Friday, February 18, 2022, or 2/18 like 218.

Death = 218 / 38
Death = 38
-D.C. on 38th Parallel 
-Holy Roman Empire = 218

Also, the news of his death comes on a date with 42 numerology.
2/18/22 = 2+18+22 = 42
Freemason = 42
Jesuit = 42
D.C. = 42

It comes on the 49th day of the year.
Washington = 49
America = 49
Scottish = 49

It also comes on a date with 62 numerology.
2/18/2022 = 2+18+20+22 = 62
Sacrifice = 62 / 46
Minneapolis = 62

The news of his death comes on his 199th day of his age (46th prime)

Sacrifice = 46; Catholic = 46

Lastly, as for him dying on February 17th, it was 197-days after his birthday.
197, 45th prime
IHS = 45
Ritual = 45
Hagedorn = 45
-Hagedorn = 72 / 144
-Jesuit Order = 72 / 144

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