Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Jen Psaki, White House press secretary, tests positive for coronavirus again, March 22, 2022, 142-days after the testing positive, October 31, 2021

Of course, this news comes 142-days after she tested positive for 'coronavirus', October 31, 2021.

Read more about that here: https://occultexposal.wordpress.com/2021/10/31/jen-psaki-tests-positive-for-covid-19-31-days-before-her-birthday-october-31-3021/

Also, read about the death of Tyrese's mother from coronavirus on Valentine's Day.

142-days is also 20-weeks and 2-days, like 202. *Skull and Bones = 202

And not to mention, she is 43-years-old, and today is March 22nd or 3/22, like 322, the number of Skull and Bones. 

*Yale = 43 (Skull and Bones operates out of Yale)

This news comes 111-days after her birthday.

You could also say it came a span of 112-days after her birthday.

*Catholicism = 112; Mathematics = 112; Jesuits operate in 112 nations

112-days is also 3-months, 22-days, similar to 322, like the date...

Jesuits...Templars...Skull and Bones...

Skull and Bones is modeled after the Knights Templar, which is where they get their symbolism from.

Think about all the Christian biblical themes during the pandemic...

*Society of Jesus = 79 / 56: Pandemic = 65; Coronavirus pandemic declared on Fauci's 79th day of being 79

*Skull and Crossbones = 223 / 65

In light of her being the 34th current White House Press secretary.


*Hospital founded by Skull and Bones member

They have been a huge part of the simulations leading up to the pandemic.

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