Saturday, March 19, 2022

Maryland rapper 'Goonew' killed at age 24, on March 18, 2022, 44-weeks after his birthday

Of course, this news comes March 19, 2022, the 'kill' date.

3/19/2022 = 3+19+20+22 = 64

3/19/22 = 3+19+22 = 44

And notice he released an album entitled 'Big 64'. This album was released July 10, 2018, and from that date to his death March 18, 2022 is 44-months and 5-days later.

Also, this rapper is dead exactly 308-days (or 44 weeks) after his last birthday (born May 14th).

Don't overlook that 'Goonew' and 'murder' overlap.

He was killed in the 3400 block? 

He was in his 25th year of life, born in '97. (97, 25th prime)

*Jesuit Order = 54 *Sacrifice = 73 *Ritual Sacrificial = 73

Lastly, notice he was supposedly shot July 5, 2020 (some articles mention), from that date to his death was a span of 257-days later.

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