Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Tom Parker, singer from The Wanted, dead at 33, from a 'brain tumor'

*Brain Tumor = 131 (CNN post time)

Tom Parker is dead at age 33.

And he is dead 34-weeks after his birthday.

139, 34th prime.

You could also say he died on his 239th day of his age. 239, 52nd prime

He is also dead on March 30th, or 3/30, emphasis on 3/30

3/30 = 3+30 = 33

And he is dead March 30th, the 89th day of the year.

In light of him dying, notice the song he is most known for 'Glad You Came, which released July 10, 2011. From the 10-year anniversary of the song releasing to his death is 263-days later. *263, 56th prime

 263, 56th prime

Don't forget July 10th is the 191st day of the year.

Of course, he is dead Wednesday, March 30, 2022, a date with 55-numerology.

3/30/22 = 3+30+22 = 55

For another point, notice 'The Wanted' fits in with 'cancer'.

And don't overlook the overlap between the band name and 'Wednesday'.

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