Friday, July 15, 2022

Houston disc-jockey 'DJ D Baby' reported dead at 23, after falling from 13-foot balcony, July 15, 2022 news

This news broke Friday, July 15, 2022, the 'kill' date.

7/15/2022 = 7+15+20+22 = 64
7/15/2022 = 7+15+(2+0+2+2) = 28
7/15/22 = 7+15+22 = 44

Recall this woman fell off her apartment balcony, on July 4th.

This news broke 21-days after her June 24th birthday.

She died Wednesday, July 13, 2022, which was a span of 20-days from her birthday.

Notice how they emphasize she fell from a '13-foot balcony'. 

*41, 13th prime

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