Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Revisting the murders of Jennifer Hudson's family, October 24, 2008

Jennifer Hudson's family was killed October 24, 2008.

10/24/2008 = 10+24+20+08 = 62

It's quite obvious that her family was 'sacrificed'.

And the family was 'executed' by 'gun fire'. 

10/24/2008 = 10+24+(2+0+0+8) = 44

In regards to the shooting coming on October 24th, notice how it fits in with the supposed perpetrator 'William Balfour'.

*89, 24th prime

*Shooting on the 24th day of the month

He did the shooting 172-days after his May 5th birthday.

And the killings came 42-days after Jennifer Hudson's birthday. Think about how the number 42 is stamped all over Black history.

10/24/08 = 10+24+08 = 42

You could say the killings came on her 43rd day of her age.

And it came 191-days after Pope Benedict XVI's birthday (the sitting Pope at the time).

191, 43rd prime

Her album entitled 'Jennifer Hudson' released September 27, 2008, the day the Jesuit Order was recognized by Rome. Adding insult to injury, the shooting came 27-days after the release, while she was 27-years-old, can you say 27 club?

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