Thursday, July 21, 2022

The shooting in Rochester, July 21, 2022, a span of 202-days after the Mayor assumed office

This shooting comes a span of 202-days after the Mayor assumed office, July 21, 2022, the 202nd day of the year.

This shooting also comes hours after Malik Evans declared a state of emergency on 'gun violence'.

Not to mention July 21st leaves 163-days remaining in the year, fitting in with his name.

163, 38th prime


 Also, this comes a span of 38-days before Kathy Hochul's birthday.


It also comes 167-days after the Mayor's birthday as well.

167, 39th prime

Also, there was an assassination attempt on congressman Lee Zeldin, not sure if it was related.

Shout out to YRTM (Yea Right the Matrix) for being on the ground on the scene of the 'shooting' (watch below).

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