Monday, September 26, 2022

Basketball Wives star, Brooke Bailey's daughter, dead at age 25, September 25, 2022

Forever My Baby = 67; Blood Sacrifice = 67

Brooke Bailey's daughter is dead at age 25, September 25th, the day leaving 97-days left remaining.

97, the 25th prime number.

Notice the show 'Basketball Wives' has the 38 encoded.

163, the 38th prime number

Adding insult to injury, this comes 74-days after Brooke Bailey's birthday.

In Memphis? The 'murder' city.

She also died in a 'car crash'.

Pretty Black = 43; Killing = 43

Also interesting, the words 'mother' and 'murder' both overlap.

*It's also worth mentioning this death comes 43-weeks after the creator of 'Basketball Wives' birthday, born November 27, 1974.

Furthermore, she died on September 25, 2022, which was 'National Daughter Day'.

And 'National Daughter Day' is another 83.

Remember her daughter died in 'Memphis', another 83 and 106.

Not to mention, she died on rapper T.I.'s birthday, he turned 42-years-old.

Adding on, he was in the headlines the same day for calling someone a 'bitch'.

Nigger = 42; Slavery = 42; Blacks = 42 (42 and Black History)

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