Wednesday, September 28, 2022

California rapper Coolio dead at age 59, September 28, 2022, a span of 59-days after his birthday +Black shaming code

Jarel Posey = 59

Coolio is reported dead Wednesday, September 28, 2022, at age 59.

He died on a date with 59-numerology as well.

9/28/22 = 9+28+22 = 59  

Get this, he also died on his 59th day of being 59-years-old, or 58-days after his birthday.

The number 59 is stamped all over Black history.

Also, his birth name 'Artis Leon Ivey Jr.' equates to 76.

Negro = 76 / 59; Slave = 76 / 59; *Dead at 59; Kill = 59

His stage name 'Coolio' also equates to 59, fitting in with his age of death.

Again, he died on September 28th, the 271st day of the year. Furthermore, he is most remembered for his song entitled 'Gangsta's Paradise', also equating to 271.

271, the 58th prime number

-He died 58-days after his August 1st birthday.

Don't overlook the song released August 8th or 8/8, the 'rapper' number.

Poison = 88; Arsenic Poisoning = 88

To add on, his death came a span of 201-days before Martin Lawrence's birthday.

For more, he died 311-days after L.V.'s 64th birthday, the featured artist on the song 'Gangsta's Paradise', the 64th prime number.

311, the 64th prime number
*201 is 311 in base 8 counting
The Jesuit Order = 201; Order of Illuminati = 201


59, the 17th prime number; Dead on the 28th day of the month; *Wednesday = 44

In regards to him dying at 59, notice he debut in '95, the reflection of 59, and from September 28th to the end of the year leaves a total of 95-days left in the year.

The Jesuits and the 95 Theses...

This rapper was from 'Compton', notice where it fits right in.

C.C. = 33 (Compton, California); on the 33rd Parallel North

ALSO, he died 325-days after the 27-year anniversary of his most known album releasing, November 7, 1995.

It is also interesting his first album 'It Takes a Thief' released in the year '94, now he is dead on the day leaving 94-days left in the year.

Notice the artist known for parodying famous songs 'Weird Al Yankovic' released his take on the record entitled 'Amish Paradise', released March 12, 1996.

Don't overlook that March 12th release date, or 12/3, like 123. Amish Paradise = 123

Conspiracy = 123

From the anniversary of this parody releasing to the death of Coolio, September 28, 2022, was a span of 201-days later.

In light of him dying at age 59, notice 'Weird' equates to 59.

*An hour after he died Instagram had his followers at 172K...

Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 172; *I didn't get the screenshot

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