Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Jalen Hill, former UCLA basketball player, dead at age 22, September 20, 2022

Nice 8:46 post time.

Notice this player is dead at 22, in the year '22, the 'basketball' number.

UCLA stands for 'University of California, Los Angeles', equating to 484, the square root of 22.

He died Tuesday, September 20, 2022, a date with 71 and 35 numerology.

9/20/2022 = 9+20+20+22 = 71

9/20/2022 = 9+20+(2+0+2+2) = 35

He is also dead 277-days after his December 17th birthday, the 59th prime. That matters since he shares the same birthday with Pope Francis.

*277, 59th prime

*Basketball = 85 / 22

Keep in mind he is dead on September 20th, the 263rd day of the year, the 56th prime number.

He is also dead a span of 89-days before his upcoming 23rd birthday.


Keep in mind he wore #24. 

*89, 24th prime

And he was found missing in 'Costa Rica' equating to 35 and 89.

*9/20/2022 = 9+20+(2+0+2+2) = 35 (89-days before his birthday)

Tom Brady?

And his name screams 'murder'.

 He played for the 'Bruins'.

In regards to the Tom Brady connection, he's born August 3rd or 8/3, like 83. If he goes to the Super Bowl this year, and wins, he'll be 8-3 for the season.

ALSO, he died 170-days after the 83rd college basketball season ended, April 4, 2022.

*Francis = 119; Vatican = 119 (11/9 date)

*Kill = 44 (4/4 date)

Another thing to think about, he died 145-days before Super Bowl 57, February 12, 2023.

9/20/2022 = 9+20+20+22 = 71

9/20/2022 = 9+20+(2+0+2+2) = 35

22+24 = 46 (Age at death, jersey number)

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