Thursday, September 8, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II dies at age 96, September 8, 2022, on the Virgin Mary's birthday +Pope Francis and the Jesuits

As we've been saying since February of this year, that Queen Elizabeth would not make it to see her 97th birthday. 

She is dead Wednesday, September 8, 2022, the Virgin Mary's birthday.


Death = 228; United States of America = 228

She is also dead 140-days after her 96th birthday.

This comes days after Liz Truss becoming prime minister September 6, 2022, and her full name being Mary Elizabeth Trust, and now Queen Elizabeth dead on the Virgin Mary's birthday.

It also comes 67-days (or 2 months and 6 days) before Prince Charles' birthday.

Don't forget Camilla will be the new Queen, notice how it also fits in.

*67, 19th prime

Also, she was known as 'Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall', prior to the Queen's death.

You could also say she died a total span of 68-days before his birthday.

 Her death comes while her son Prince Charles is 73-years-old.

Again, she is dead September 8th, 8/9.

She's been in reign for 70-years.

For more Jesuit fingerprints, the Queen is dead on the Pope's 266th day of his age, he is the 266th pope, the first Jesuit pope.

And don't forget last year, Prince Phillip, her husband died April 9, 2021, the day leaving 266-days left in the year.

Also, she is also died 74-weeks apart from him.

*9/8 = 9+8 = 17 *9/8/2022 = 9+8+20+22 = 59 (17th prime) *17-months

It also comes 65-days before Arturo Sosa's birthday, or a span of 66-days.

She died at the Balmoral Castle is a large estate house in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, which is a royal residence, and that matters since it comes 201-days after Prince Andrew's birthday.

Queen Elizabeth died on September 8th, 9/8, on the day 251st day of the year.

*She's born Aug. 15th, the Jesuit Order's birthday (currently 72-years-old)

*251, 54th prime

Also, the Queen's death comes on Anne's 25th day of her age.


For another 25, this comes 175-days (or 25-weeks) after the anniversary of the London Bridge opening, March 17, 1973.


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