Thursday, October 6, 2022

At least 36 people killed at Child Care Center in Thailand, October 6, 2022

This tragedy comes Thursday, October 6, 2022, the day leaving 86-days left in the year, fateful...

It also comes on a date with 58 and 38 numerology as well.

10/6/2022 = 10+6+20+22 = 58 (Fraternal = 58)
10/6/22 = 10+6+22 = 38 (Death = 38)

Per reports, they're saying the massacre occurred in Thailand, Bangkok, 58 and 86.

Most outlets are reporting 36 people have been killed in this shooting. October, the lone 666 month, and 666 is the 36th triangular number.

It is also being reported that 38 people have been killed.

10/6/22 = 10+6+22 = 38; Bangkok = 38

The supposed gunman was a 34-year-old man as well. *Murder = 38 / 34

Death = 38; Killing = 38

The name of the supposed gunman 'Panya Kamrab' has some interesting gematria.

CIA = 68; *Terror = 68

He was also an ex-policeman, which in many of these 'mass shooting' stories is the case, as with this one.

Conspiracy = 147; Freemason = 147

Also, this comes while the Prime Minister of Thailand is 68-years-old.

This tragedy comes 199-days after his birthday, the 46th prime number.

199, the 46th prime number; Sacrifice = 46; *Catholic = 46

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