Friday, October 14, 2022

At least 5-dead in mass shooting in North Carolina, October 13, 2022

There was a mass shooting in North Carolina, Thursday, October 13, 2022.

The news broke today, October 14, 2022, a date with 66-numerology.

10/14/2022 = 10+14+20+22 = 66; Mass Shooting = 66

It also comes October 14th, the day leaving 78th days left in the year.

Bristol, Connecticut = 78 / 222; Order out of Chaos = 78 / 222

This shooting comes 123-days after Roy Cooper, the Governor of North Carolina birthday. Conspiracy = 123

Don't overlook the fact he is born June 13th, the day leaving 201-days left in the year. 

Order of Illuminati = 201; Jewish Mysticism = 201

It also comes 243-days before his upcoming birthday, the 'CIA' number.

Also, this news comes 37-days before Joe Biden's birthday.

There also reporting the shooting lasted 4-hours and 40 minutes, like 44. *Shooting = 44; Kill = 44

Also, 'Raleigh, North Carolina' sums to 109, like shooting.


When I think Tar Heels, I think Michael Jordan, and this shooting came 238-days after his birthday.

Murder = 34 / 38; *Shooting a span of 38-day before Biden's birthday

Kobe, born 23/8...

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