Saturday, November 12, 2022

Kanye West says his mother Donda West was 'sacrificed', November 11, 2022 news+ the death of his mother

In recent times, Kanye West has came out and admitted that his mother Donda West was sacrificed, and if you've been following the #Gematria community, you know this is a FACT.

This news comes exactly 156-days after his birthday, notice where that fits in.

Furthermore, this rant came on his mother's 123rd day of her age.

Keep in November 11, 2022 was the 'kill' date for the month.

11/11/2022 = 11+11+20+22 = 64
11/11/22 = 11+11+22 = 44

Now to recap, his mother died exactly 121-days after her July 12 birthday, the 'blood sacrifice' number.

121 is the square root of 11; November, the 11th month, on the 11th day.

His mother also died on his 156th day of his age. You might recall Kanye got his big break when he got on national television and said George W. Bush doesn't care about Black people, of course after 9/11.

911, the 156th prime number.

It should also remind how his most known album to date entitled 'Graduation' released September 11, 2007.

Think about how on 9/11, the WTCs that fell were 110-stories tall each, all 47-story buildings.

In recent times, he put out his 'Donda West' album, in tribute to his mother, August 29, 2021, which 48-days after her birthday.

His mother also died on a date with 48-numerology.

11/10/2007 = 11+10+20+07 = 48

And don't overlook the fact that 'Donda' equals death.

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The death of Soulja Slim, November 26, 2003+ Master P and Juvenile parralels

James Adarryl Tapp Jr. = 73 *Sacrifice = 73 *Ritual Sacrifice = 73       First, he died at age 26, on the 26th of the month. * Kill = 26; Ma...