Thursday, February 9, 2023

Kevin Durant gets traded to the Phoenix Suns, February 8, 2023 news

Kevin Durant was traded from the Brooklyn Nets to the Phoenix Suns, February 8, 2023, the 39th day of the year.

Also, he wears #35, and currently in his 35th year of life, notice where that fits in.

Catholic = 35; Holy See = 35; Jesuitism = 35; Paganism = 35

This trade also comes on his 133rd day of his age (or 19-weeks into his age).

-19th card of Tarot deck is the sun card

It also comes on date with 54 and 18 numerology as well.

2/9/2023 = 2+9+20+23 = 54
2/9/2023 = 2+9+(2+0+2+3) = 18

And today is the 40th day of the year, and Durant has a 9/29 birthday.

United States of America = 929 (Jewish Gematria)
United States = 40
US = 40
Old Testament = 40 (929 chapters)

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Jacob Rothschild of N.M. Rothschild & Sons dead at 87, February 26, 2024 news

Fittingly, he is dead at the age of 87. It also goes with the name of his bank, 'N.M. Rothschild & Sons', equating to 87. The Ca...