Thursday, February 2, 2023

Lanny Poffo, retired WWE star and brother of Randy Savage, dead at 68, February 2, 2023

Like clockwork, Lanny Mark Poffo is dead at 68, and notice his full name equates to 68.

He died on Vince McMahon's 163rd day of his age, the 38th prime number.


163, the 38th prime number
Death = 38
Murder = 38
Killing = 38
RIP = 38

He is also dead 58-days before WrestleMania 39, April 1, 2023, on April Fools Day.

*Secret Society = 58 / 77

It should be a reminder his brother, Randy Savage died at age 58, May 20, 2011.

Also, Vince McMahon is reported to be a Freemason, and today is the 33rd day of the year.

And think about the WWE logo is another 33...

He is dead on date with 47 numerology, and it should remind how his brother 47-days before WrestleMania 27, April 3, 2011.

It also goes with his full name 'Lanny Mark Poffo' equating to 211, the 47th prime number.

211, the 47th prime number
2/2/2023 = 2+2+20+23 = 47
Time = 47

In light of him dying at age 68, notice his brother 'Macho Man' equates to 68.


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Jacob Rothschild of N.M. Rothschild & Sons dead at 87, February 26, 2024 news

Fittingly, he is dead at the age of 87. It also goes with the name of his bank, 'N.M. Rothschild & Sons', equating to 87. The Ca...