Sunday, February 5, 2023

Melinda Dillon, the actress who played in 'A Christmas Story', dead at 83, January 9, 2023

Notice this actress died January 9, 2023, but they saved the news for today, February 4, 2023.

She is dead at age 83, and CNN posted their article about her death at 8:30 (EST).

Her death became widely known Friday, February 3, 2023, the 34th day of the year.

Christmas = 38
Death = 38
Killing = 38
RIP = 38
-Born Oct. 13, the day leaving 79 days left

She is also remembered for the film 'A Christmas Story' in '83, and now she is dead at 83, and she portrayed the mother, and don't overlook the overlap between 'mother' and 'murder'.

She died 88-days after her birthday, or on her 89th day of her age.

Arsenic Poisoning = 88; Poison = 88; *Religion = 89


Christmas = 61; Christian = 61; Church = 61; Jesus Christ = 74

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