Saturday, February 25, 2023

Thomas H. Lee, billionaire and businessman, dead at 78, reportedly from suicide, February 23, 2023

No one is gonna question the death of a 78-year-old...

He reportedly committed suicide, Thursday, February 23, 2023, which was 47-weeks and days from his birthday.

Thomas H. Lee = 47 / 106
Suicide = 47
Mental Health = 47
-Billionaire = 106


He died on a date with 48-numerology, at age 78.

223, the 48th prime; *2/23/23 = 2+23+23 = 48

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Jacob Rothschild of N.M. Rothschild & Sons dead at 87, February 26, 2024 news

Fittingly, he is dead at the age of 87. It also goes with the name of his bank, 'N.M. Rothschild & Sons', equating to 87. The Ca...