Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Joe Biden says Jimmy Carter asked him to deliver his eulogy, Monday, March 13, 2023

Notice, Joe Biden made these remarks on Monday, March 13, 2023, a date with 39-numerology, going with Jimmy Carter being #39.

3/13/23 = 3+13+23 = 39

Hospice = 8+6+1+7+9+3+5 = 39

It comes exactly 167-days after September 27, the Jesuit Order recognition date, the 39th prime number.

And keep in mind, these remarks came on the 72nd day of the year.

Jimmy Carter = 72; President Biden = 72; Jesuit Order = 72

Also, March 13 can be written as 13/3, like 133.

President = 133; White House = 133; Authority = 133; Government = 133

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