Tuesday, March 21, 2023

New York Knicks player Willis Reed, dead at 80, March 21, 2023, on the 80th day of the year

Notice, Willis Reed is dead at 80, on the 80th day of the year, March 21, 2023.

Bavarian Illuminati = 80


Notice he is dead 97-days from his upcoming birthday, on March 21, or 21/3, like 213. 
*Death = 213 / 97

He is also dead on National Countdown Day, on March 21, or 3/21, like 321.

Fittingly, he is dead 129-days from Bill Bradley's birthday, notice where that connects.

129 is 201 in base 8 counting
The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
-Society of Jesus = 79
-Murder = 79

And further, he is dead on a date with 67-numerology, as a player for the 'Knicks'.
3/21/2023 = 3+21+20+23 = 67
Knicks = 67
Satanic = 67
Blood Sacrifice = 67
Human Sacrifice = 67
--67, the 19th prime
-Reed wore #19

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