Wednesday, March 1, 2023

One person killed at Hobby Lobby shooting in Oklahoma City, March 1, 2023, by the numbers

44th Street?

44 and 37? 

This comes March 1, or 3/1, like 31. *Oklahoma = 31

31, the 11th prime 

3/1/2023 = 3+1+2+0+2+3 = 11

Highway 33?

Also noteworthy, this shooting comes on Kevin Stitt's 64th day of his age, it also goes with him being the 28th Governor of Oklahoma.

Keep in mind the date March 1 can be written 3/1, or 1/3, like 31 and 13.

Notice the name 'Kevin Stitt' equates to 41, the 13th prime number, where today can also be expressed as 1/3, like 13.

41, the 13th prime

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