Monday, March 13, 2023

Rolly Crump, famed designer for Disney, dead at 93, March 12, 2023

The news of his death breaks today, March 13, 2023, the 72nd day of the year, on the 10-year anniversary of Pope Francis taking his throne.

And notice he became the Pope 86-days after his birthday, being born on Saturnalia, December 17, 1936.

Rolly Crump died the day prior, March 12, 2023, meaning he died on Pope Francis's 86th day of being 86-years-old.

Rolly Crump = 153 / 54; Jesuit Order = 72 / 153 / 54
*Roland Crump = 54

Blood Sacrifice = 86
Human Sacrifice = 86

Again, he is dead at 93, which represents time. Saturn, the keeper of time.

93 million miles away?

Order of Illuminati = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 201
Domus Sanctae Marthae = 201

As we know, Disney is completely Jesuit...

Further, Rolly Crump died 97-days after Walt Disney's birthday anniversary, on a date with 38-numerology.

3/12/23 = 3+12+23 = 38

And last, he died March 12, the 71st day of the year, where 71 is the 20th prime number.

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Jacob Rothschild of N.M. Rothschild & Sons dead at 87, February 26, 2024 news

Fittingly, he is dead at the age of 87. It also goes with the name of his bank, 'N.M. Rothschild & Sons', equating to 87. The Ca...