Friday, May 12, 2023

Heather Armstrong reported dead from suicide at age 47 (July 19, 1975 – May 9, 2023)

Notice this woman is dead from 'suicide' at the age of 47.

47 is important to Freemasonry.

Framework = 47; Foundation = 47; Polestar = 47

She is dead from suicide, exactly 42-weeks after her birthday, and she was also known as 'Dooce', equating to 42.

42 also connects to Freemason.

Their logo is the capital G, also has a value of 42.

It is a reminder the Jesuit Order created Modern Freemasonry in London, England in 1717, and notice this woman died on May 9, or 5/9, where 59 is the 17th prime.

Freemasonry = 59 (17th prime); Mason = 17

Heather = 38; Killing = 38; Death = 38; Murder = 38

For more, she died on Pope Francis's 144th day of his age.

Jesuit Order = 144

Vatican = 47; Francis = 47; Authority = 47; Government = 47
-Vatican established on 2/11, or 211, 47th prime
-February 11, the 42nd day of the year

The news of her reported death broke Wednesday, May 10, 2023, a date with 58-numerology, and the media is mentioning her connection with Oprah. As we've talked about prior, how 58 connects to Oprah.

5/10/2023 = 5+10+20+23 = 58

Freemasonry = 58; Secret Society = 58; Rosicrucian = 58; Star = 58; Zodiac = 58; Biblical = 58

Read about the death of Oprah's father, which had all to do with 58 here:

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