Saturday, May 6, 2023

Mass shooting in Allen, Texas at a shopping mall, by the numbers, May 6, 2023

Allen Premium Outlets = 109
Shooting = 109
Saturday = 109

This shooting comes Saturday, May 6, 2023, a date with 54-numerology.

5/6/2023 = 5+6+20+23 = 54

In this case, the shooting took place at 'Allen Premium Outlets', equating to 251, the 54th prime.

251, 54th prime

It reminds of the Uvalde shooting, May 24, 2022, the 144th day of the year. 

Jesuit Order = 54 / 144; *Sun = 54

Allen =  44 / 17 / 28
Kill = 44 / 17 / 28
-Shooting = 44
-Gunfire = 44

Scottish = 113 / 32
157, 37th prime; Shooting = 37
Freemasonry = 58; Secret Society = 58; Washington = 58; United States = 58

Order Out of Chaos = 222
As Above So Below = 222
-2:22 PM post time

As we know, these shootings are agendas in order for the ruling class to enforce regulations and to disarm America.

And this shooting comes 174-days after Greg Abbott's birthday.

174 connects to false flag.

These shootings are the work of the New World Order.

Gregory Wayne Abbott = 263 (56th prime)
Society of Jesus = 56 (5/6 shooting date)

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