Saturday, November 18, 2023

Brandi Mallory, Extreme Weight Loss host, dead at 40, on November 9, 2023

I Don't Do Dead People = 83 / 79; Extreme Weight Loss = 83; Murder = 83 / 79; *Society of Jesus = 79

And notice TMZ had to post this 42 minutes past the hour.

Nigger = 42; Slavery = 42; Black History = 181 (42nd prime)

Do not overlook the detail of her making her appearance of season 4 of the show, and now dead at age 40, in Georgia, the 44 state.

#4, a number associated with death; Kill = 44; Georgia = 44

Her sorority sister died at 29? *Masonic = 29; Black = 29

Further, she is dead on her 83rd day of her age, being born in 1983, emphasis on '83.

*African-American = 116; Execution = 116

And it was reported she died outside of a Chipotle parking lot, equating to 38.

Death = 38; Murder = 38; Killing = 38; RIP = 38

Even further, notice she made her debut on the show, July 15, 2014, which means she died 118-days from the anniversary.

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Jacob Rothschild of N.M. Rothschild & Sons dead at 87, February 26, 2024 news

Fittingly, he is dead at the age of 87. It also goes with the name of his bank, 'N.M. Rothschild & Sons', equating to 87. The Ca...