Friday, November 10, 2023

Home and Away actor, Johnny Ruffo, dead at age 35, November 10, 2023, the 'kill' date for the month

He is dead on the 'kill' date for the month, November 10, 2023.

11/10/2023 = 11+10+20+23 = 64
11/10/2023 = 11+10+(2+0+2+3) = 28
11/10/23 = 11+10+23 = 44

He is dead from 'cancer'. *Cancer = 44; Chemo = 44; Kill = 44

Also, his name overlaps with 'sacrifice', 46 and 62.

He also had the March 8th birthday, a date written as 3/8, or 8/3, like 38 and 83, very fateful.

Death = 38; Murder = 38 / 83; RIP = 38; Killing = 38

It goes with his full birth name, 'John Patrick Ruffo', equates to 83.

John Patrick Ruffo = 191; Society of Jesus = 191
191, 43rd prime; Killing = 43; RIP = 43

Furthermore, he is dead 35-weeks and days after his 35th birthday.

Catholic = 35; Holy See = 35; Jesuitism = 35; Eye = 35

Don't overlook the 247-days either, while the Illuminati is 247 years old.

He died from 'brain cancer', which fits in with the name of the series 'Home and Away'.

Home and Away = 187; Society of Jesus = 187; *187, the homicide code

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