Sunday, December 31, 2023

An report of an active shooter in Las Vegas, near the MGM Grand Casino, on December 31, 2023, on New Years Eve

Harmon = 33; Masonry = 33; Secerecy = 33; Order = 33; Federal = 33; Police = 33; False Flag = 33

This shooting follows a pattern of shootings in Las Vegas, you might recall the UNLV shooting on December 6, 2023, which of course was synced up with the last shooting at the Route 91 Harvest Festival shooting, October 1, 2017, the day leaving 91-days left in the year.

Now tell me, does this look like a real person? It looks like another '' photo op.

Adding to the ritual, notice today, the day of this shooting, December 31, 2023, has 86-date numerology.

12/31/2023 = 12+31+20+23 = 86

Blood Sacrifice = 86; Human Sacrifice = 86; *End = 23

This coming on the end of the year '23...

Making matters more interesting, this shooting comes on Joe Lombardo, the Governor of Nevada, 54th day of his age. *Jesuit Order = 54

The name of the supposed name of the shooter screams 'Jesuit Order', as well. *153 / 54

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Richard Romanus, Mean Streets and The Sopranos actor, dead at 80, December 30, 2023 news

He is dead at age 80, and not by coincidence either.

Satan = 80; Baphomet = 80

Again, Satan is related to Saturn. It should remind how he died Saturday, December 23, 2023, the last day of Saturnalia.

He also wrote the film 'If You Believe', also factors in.

Mean Streets = 139; The Bavarian Illuminati = 139; Freemasonry = 139

It should remind how Frank Vincent, died on September 13, or 13/9, like 139.

Friday, December 29, 2023

CNN reports about 14-year-old boy reportedly arrested for killing his parents, Friday, December 29, 2023 news

A 14-year-old, eh?

And this comes towards the 'end' of the year in '23, December 29.

Of course, this comes on December 29, like 12/29, which is the 201st prime number.

1229, 201st prime; The Jesuit Order = 201; Order of Illuminati = 201

Keep in mind the murder took place in Fresno, not too far where I'm at, it should remind these rituals also take place in rural communities such as this one.

14+11 = 25; Death = 25

They're reporting that both victims were 37-years-old, notice where that factors in.

As I've documented in the past, Jerry Dyer, the Mayor of Fresno, was once a police officer. Notice how the killings came 34-weeks after his birthday.

Murder = 34

You could also say the killings came on his 239th day of his age as well.

239, the 52nd prime number

Jerry Dyer = 56; Society of Jesus = 56; *Gavin Newsom = 56

And further, notice the news comes on December 29, 2023, a date with 84-numerology.

12/29/2023 = 12+29+20+23 = 84

Again, December 29 can be written 12/29, like 1229, the 201st prime number.

Jesuit = 84; Masonry = 84; *The United States of America = 84

Thursday, December 28, 2023

The death of the Dixie Chicks founder, Laura Lynch, reportedly killed in car accident, Friday, December 22, 2023

First, she is dead at age 65...

*Texas = 66 (she died in her 66th year of life)

She also reportedly died of highway 62, which connects to the surname 'Lynch'.

Adding insult to injury, she died 34-days after her birthday, born November 18. Not to mention, she is born on the 322nd day of the year, a number related killing and sacrifice.

The Chicks = 86; Blood Sacrifice = 86

*Sacrifice = 46 (4 weeks and 6 days)

It also goes with the fact that the Dixie Chicks were formed in 1989, which was 34-years-ago...

It is noteworthy to add, she did die near El Paso, Texas, which has the 38 encoded in it.

34 and 38 connect to murder.

You could also say she died on her 35th day of her age, which also factors in.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Theresa Cachuela, an internet personality, reportedly killed in murder-suicide by her 44-year-old husband, December 22, 2023

A 33-year-old killed in Hawaii? I'm sure it's all a coincidence, NOT!

Masonry = 33; Secrecy = 33; Order = 33; *Federal = 33

And don't overlook the 44-year-old husband supposedly shooting and killing his wife, and then himself.

Gunfire = 44; Execution = 44; *Kill = 44

This murder also came on Friday, December 22, 2023, a date with 41-numerology as well.

12/22/2023 = 12+22+(2+0+2+3) = 41

Forty-One = 118; Honolulu = 118; Death = 118; Homicide = 118

To make a point, it was reported that she had recently filed a restraining order against her husband, and notice their death came 14-days from the legal decision (read more below).

*I couldn't find her date of birth, so therefore I couldn't do a proper decode on her death.

Last, notice she was killed reportedly in 'Honolulu, Hawaii', equating to 74, which connects to domestic violence.

Killing = 74; Masonic = 74; Occult = 74

Sai Varshith Kandula, the supposed Neo-nazi who tried to crash into White House, sentenced to 8 years in prison, January 17, 2025 news