Thursday, December 28, 2023

The death of the Dixie Chicks founder, Laura Lynch, reportedly killed in car accident, Friday, December 22, 2023

First, she is dead at age 65...

*Texas = 66 (she died in her 66th year of life)

She also reportedly died of highway 62, which connects to the surname 'Lynch'.

Adding insult to injury, she died 34-days after her birthday, born November 18. Not to mention, she is born on the 322nd day of the year, a number related killing and sacrifice.

The Chicks = 86; Blood Sacrifice = 86

*Sacrifice = 46 (4 weeks and 6 days)

It also goes with the fact that the Dixie Chicks were formed in 1989, which was 34-years-ago...

It is noteworthy to add, she did die near El Paso, Texas, which has the 38 encoded in it.

34 and 38 connect to murder.

You could also say she died on her 35th day of her age, which also factors in.

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