Tuesday, February 13, 2024

A mass shooting at Joel Osteen's church (Lakewood Church), on the 95th birthday of the Vatican in Houston, and on the day of Super Bowl 58, February 11, 2024

First, this shooting took place, on Sunday, February 11, 2024, on the 95th birthday of the Vatican being established.

211, the 47th prime number
Vatican = 47
*Francis = 47

The shooting took place in Houston, on the 11th of February, or 11/2, like 112.

Keep in mind it also came on the day of Super Bowl 58.

It was the 49ers playing against the Chiefs, for another 112.

To make another point, it was 'Lakewood Church', which got shot up.

Catholicism = 112; Mathematics = 112; The Jesuits operate in 112 nations

Further, this shooting came exactly 49 weeks into Joel Osteen's age as well, adding to the ritual.

Think about the mockery as well, the same day the 49ers are playing against the Chiefs, this shooting is taking place.

*Gun Control = 49

Also, Joel Olsteen's birthday is March 5, a date written as 3/5, or 5/3, like 35, and 53.

They are reporting that the shooter was a transgender.

Transgender = 172 / 64; Kansas City Chiefs = 172 / 64

To make a point, this shooting comes 322 days after the Covenant School shooting in Nashville, on March 27, 2023, also blamed on a transgender person.

Skull and Bones = 41; Super Bowl = 41 / 112 (11/2 shooting date)

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