Monday, March 10, 2025

167 39 103 42 26 101 83 51 118 | the death of Alex Jones' reporter, Jamie White, murdered in Austin, Texas, Sunday, March 9, 2025

3/9/2025 = 3+9+20+25 = 57 *Elon Reeve Musk = 57 *Scottish Rite = 57
'violent liberals' = 67 *Blood Sacrifice = 67 *Human Sacrifice = 67

Notice this man was reportedly murdered on Sunday, March 9, 2025.

His name, 'Jamie White' equates to 167, the 39th prime.

March 9 can be written as 3/9, like 39.

Alex Jones is blaming the DA, Jose Garza, for the death of his reporter.

Keep in mind, the news of his breaks, the next day, on March 10th, a date written as 10/3...

Scottish = 103
Jesuits = 103

He was killed on a Sunday, reportedly in Austin, which overlaps with Jesuit.

InfoWars = 42
Freemason = 42
Alex Jones is born on February 11, the 42nd day of the year
-Alexander Emerick Jones = 211
-February 11 can be written as 2/11, or 11/2
-Catholicism = 112
-Mathematics = 112
-The Jesuit Order operates in 112 nations

This man died 26-days after Alex Jones' birthday.

He was a 'reporter', equating to 101, the 26th prime number.

Assassin = 101; God = 26

This also comes while Alex Jones is 51 years old, and not arbitrarily.  

Again, all roads lead to Rome.

51 connects to conspiracy and tin-foil hat. *Think about Area 51...

And in light of the Jesuits marking their fingerprints on this ritual, notice this killing came on the Pope's 83rd day of his age. This reminds of Kobe Bryant and his daughter dying on the 26th of the year, which Pope Francis was 83 years old. *Helicopter Crash = 83

Even further, the name 'Jamie' overlaps with 'murder'.

Society of Jesus = 79 / 83
Death = 97 / 38 / 20
-97, 25th prime
-The year is 2025

For another Jesuit connection, this man has died on the Superior General of the Jesuit Order, Arturo Sosa's 118th day of his age.

And shout out to Evan Escher, it should be noted that the number 118 is the 38th semiprime number.

Jamie = 38
Death = 38
Murder = 38
Killing = 38
RIP = 38

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The death of former NBA player, Oliver Miller, dead at 54, March 12, 2025, in huge Jesuit ritual

This man has died at 54, and notice his last Twitter post was on February 27, 2025, a date with 54 numerology. 2/27/25 = 2+27+25 = 54 Jorge ...