Monday, February 21, 2022

Kevin Durant's grandmother dies the same day as the 2022 NBA All-Star Game, on the 'kill' date, February 20, 2022

Kevin Durant's grandmother was Barbara Davis.

As for her dying right before the start of the NBA All-Star Game, notice she is dead on February 20, 2022, the 'kill' date.

2/20/22 = 2+20+22 = 44

2/20/2022 = 2+20+20+22 = 64

Her name also sums to 44, fitting in with the date of her death.

She is dead 144-days after Kevin Durant's birthday.


For more tribute to 'death', the final box score for the game was 163 points. (163, 38th prime)

38 and 'death'.

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