Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Jeff Bezos donates at least 3-billion dollars to Altos Labs, on September 4, 2021, in huge Jesuit ritual

As for this article being published on September 4, 2021, a date with 54 numerology, fitting in with the ritual.
9/4/2021 = 9+4+20+21 = 54
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54 / 18 

Yuri Milner = 144 / 63

Jesuit Order = 144 / 63

This article came 68-days after his birthday and think about how all the agendas were set into motion in the year 1968.

-World Trade Center construction began

-9-1-1 made the national emergency dialing code

-Coronavirus coined as 'seasonal flu'

-George W. Bush graduated from Yale (Skull and Bones)

Terror = 68 / 94

Altos = 68

You could also say it was his 69th day of his age and this has a lot to with 'biotechnology'.

-Biotechnology - 69 / 201

The Jesuit Order = 69 / 201 / 177

-Illuminati = 69 / 150 / 120

New World Order = 69 / 177 

Three Billion = 69 / 129

129 is 201 in base 8 counting

Yuri Borisovich Milner = 120

Scottish Rite = 57

-Bezos was 57-years-old

 As for this being synced up with Jeff Bezos, notice how this article was published, September 4, or 9/4 like 94.

Jeff Bezos = 94

Don't forget this has a lot to do with the ongoing 'coronavirus pandemic', summing to 94.

Coronavirus Pandemic = 94

Roman Catholic Church = 94

Notice where 'Altos Labs' fits in with 'coronavirus' and 'Jeffrey Bezos'.

Coronavirus = 142 / 56

Jeffrey Bezos = 142 / 56

Altos Labs = 142

This article comes on Jeff Bezos' 131st day of his age.

131, 32nd prime

Altos = 32 / 68

-68-days after Yuri Milner's birthday

It was his 131st day of his age (or 18-weeks and 5-days), like 185, fitting in with his birthday.

Catholicism = 112 / 185 / 68

Mathematics = 112 / 185 / 68

-Bezos born on January 12 or 1/12

Jesuits operate in 112 countries

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