Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Hillary Clinton tests positive for coronavirus, on Skull and Bones Day, March 22, 2022

Hillary Clinton supposedly tested positive for coronavirus, March 22, 2022, Skull and Bones Day. Think about how her and her husband Bill stepped down for George W. Bush, Mr. Skull and Bones himself. For the clincher, she is educated over at Yale, where Skull and Bones operate out of.

This news comes 147-days after her birthday.

This also comes a span of 219-days before her upcoming 75th birthday.

Also read about Jen Psaki supposedly testing positive for coronavirus, March 22, 2022.

And don't overlook that she served as the 67th United States secretary of state.

3/22/2022 = 3+22+20+22 = 67 


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