Friday, August 12, 2022

Anne Heche dead at age 53, August 12, 2022 news, 79-days after her birthday

Anne Heche is dead at age 53, August 12, 2022.

Notice she is dead August 12th or 12/8.

She is also dead on a date with 62-numerology, the 'sacrifice' number.

8/12/2022 = 8+12+20+22 = 62

And she is dead on Ellen DeGeneres' 199th day of her age. (199, 46th prime)

*199, 46th prime


Keep in Ellen is born the same day that Kobe Bryant died, also in a crash, January 26, 2020.

Read more about that here:

Recall the crash occurred August 5th, or 5/8.

Notice where 'Kobe Bryant' fits in with the ritual.

Today is 929-days after the death of Kobe Bryant as well, notice he is in the news the same day as Anne Heche's death.

*There is 929-chapters in the Old Testament, relating to the 'Torah'.

For another point, Anne Heche is dead 79-days after her birthday.

*79, 22nd prime (Dead in '22)

As for her dying at age 53, notice 'Los Angeles' equates to 53.

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