Saturday, August 13, 2022

Family identifies 42-year-old Natiesha Lewis as final victim in Windsor Hills crash, August 11, 2022 news

A 42-year-old Black woman? 42 and Black history...

In this case, their reported this crash occurred in La Brea, for another 42.


Also, don't overlook the 38-year-old also killed in this crash.

Notice this crash came on Obama's 61st birthday, August 4, 2022.

*163, 38th prime (38-year-old victim)


*Murder = 38, Killing = 38, RIP = 38

The second victims surname also fits in with the date of the crash.

*4/8 date

As you know, this whole story has 58-encoded into it, starting with the victims. Recall this story made headlines August 5th or 5/8, like 58.

 Again, the suspect was a 'nurse' for another 58.

And recall this news also broke the same day as the Anne Heche ritual.

Read more about that here.

In regards to this news coming August 11th, or 11/8, notice how that also fits in.


*This news comes before the 118th World Series

In light of this coming on Obama's 61st birthday, this news also comes a span of 61-days before Gavin Newsom's birthday.

*8-weeks and 5-days (8/5 date)

And this news came on a date with 61-numerology.

8/11/2022 = 8+11+20+22 = 61

Gavin Newsom is currently 54-years-old (8/4/2022 = 8+4+20+22 = 54


Another thing that stands out is this news came a span of 13-days before Kobe Bryant's upcoming birthday.

Adding to the ritual, Anne Heche's ex-wife Ellen is born the same day Kobe Bryant died in a 'crash', January 26th.


Keep in mind January 26th can be written as 26/1, like 261.

Read more about Kobe Bryant and his death here.

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Jacob Rothschild of N.M. Rothschild & Sons dead at 87, February 26, 2024 news

Fittingly, he is dead at the age of 87. It also goes with the name of his bank, 'N.M. Rothschild & Sons', equating to 87. The Ca...