Friday, September 30, 2022

201 | CEO of Google Sundar Pichai, Agent 201, and the Jesuit Order

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, is another 201 agent.

Consider that Google celebrates their birthday on September 27th, which matters since that is the day in history the Jesuit Order was recognized by the Catholic Church, September 27, 1540.

The number '201' is a big number with the Jesuit Order.

The former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt has the Jesuit fingerprints all over him.

Iesus Hominum Salvator = 274 (27/4 birth date)

From the former CEO's 60th birthday to the day Sundar Pichai became the head of Google was 105-days later.

4/27/1955 = 4+27+19+55 = 105

You could also came on his 106th day of his age, which also fits in.

Don't overlook how Sundar Pichai is born June 10th, or 10/6, like 106...

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