Saturday, October 1, 2022

Predictive Programming | The Spice Girls song '2 Become 1', released December 16, 1996, 247-weeks before September 11, 2001

The song title is self explanatory in itself.

2 became 1? Like how on September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center towers...


Notice how one of the members of the group were sitting in front of the WTCs. Keep in mind this song was released in year 1996, 5-years before the September 11th attacks in 2001.

Furthermore, from the day the song was released December 16, 1996, to September 11, 2001 was 247-weeks before

Also, when you write out 'Two Hundred and One' also equates to 247.

World Trade Center = 77 / 185 / 247; Two Hundred and One = 77 / 185 / 247 

Don't overlook the 56-months as well...

Think about Flight 11, 77, and 175... (11+77+ 175 = 263)

263, the 56th prime number

Sixty Eight = 56; *Think about how 9/11 relates to 1968...

Keep in mind the date September 11th can be written 11/9, like 119.

Become = 43 / 119; Bush, #43 at the time of 9/11

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