Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Joe Biden sits 14 rows back at Queen Elizabeth II's funeral, September 19, 2022 news



14 rows? Is Joe Biden 'dead'?

This also comes 62-days before his upcoming 80th birthday.

*Queen coronation on 6/2 ; Reign began on 6/2 (born in '26)

Keep in mind September 19th can be written 19/9, like 199, the 46th prime number.

*Biden is #46, the second 'Catholic' after JFK, who died at 46

This could be predictive programming for his demise, I'm thinking December 27, 2022, since that day will have 81-numerology.

12/27/2022 = 12+27+20+22 = 81

Recall he was elected with 81-million votes.

If he does end up dying on December 27th, it'll be 37-days after his birthday.

Keep in mind that date will be 98-days (or 14-weeks) after the Queen's funeral, reminds how the Queen died on September 8th or 9/8.

Read more about the Queen's death here: https://freegematriatruth.blogspot.com/2022/09/queen-elizabeth-ii-dies-at-age-96.html

Also, from the Queen's 96th birthday to December 27th will be her 251st day of her age (or 35-weeks), and she died September 9th, the 251st day of the year.

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