Saturday, October 22, 2022

11-injured and 2-arrested in Louisiana shooting in Baton Rouge, October 22, 2022 news

11-injured, and 2-arrested in a shooting? 1+1 = 2

This news comes Saturday, October 22, 2022, a date with 74 and 38 numerology.

10/22/2022 = 10+22+20+22 = 74
10/22/2022 = 10+22+(2+0+2+2) = 38
-7+4 = 11; 3+8 = 11 (11-injured)

10/22/2022 = 1+0+2+2+2+0+2+2 = 11

Killing = 74 / 38; Gematria = 74 / 38

As always, there are always shootings on Saturday's...

Also, this is also comes on 37th day of the Governor of Louisiana, John Bel Edwards age. It should also remind you how he's currently 56-years-old, being the 56th governor.

Society of Jesus = 56; Black Lives Matter = 56

I do find it interesting there was also a shooting on his 56th birthday, September 16, 2022.

And notice the victim's name in that shooting equates to 169 and 74.

10/22/2022 = 10+22+20+22 = 74

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