Saturday, October 22, 2022

2 employees killed in Dallas hospital shooting, October 22, 2022

2 employees killed in a shooting at 11 AM? Seriously...1+1 = 2 isn't it?

10/22/2022 = 1+0+2+2+2+0+2+2 = 11 

Think about how the numbers 11 and 22 are master numbers in numerology.

And the gematria of the hosptial is also fitting...

Methodist Dallas Medical Center = 274 / 112; Iesus Hominum Salvator = 274; Jesuits in 112 countries

For more, this shooting comes 22-days before Greg Abbott's birthday, the shooting on the 22nd, in '22.


It also comes 49-weeks after his birthday as well, also fits in.

This shooting also comes on the Mayor of Dallas, Eric Johnson 13th day of his age.

41, the 13th prime number; Dallas, established in 1841.

For more, this shooting comes 44-weeks after Pope Francis' birthday.

Which means this shooting also comes 56-days before his upcoming birthday.

Society of Jesus = 56; Pope = 56 

Read about the shooting in Louisiana, 11 injured and 2 arrested here.

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