Monday, October 17, 2022

Former NFL player Antonio Dennard, dead at 32, in shooting, October 17, 2022 news

Nice 3:57 post time, in light of Super Bowl 57...

As always, whenever the season rolls around, the bodies start piling up.

Antonio Dennard, former Jacksonville Jaguars player, is dead at age 32, October 16, 2022.

The news of his death came 43-weeks after his birthday.

Jacksonville = 43; Killing = 43

You could also say it comes on his 302nd day of him being 32.

America = 32; Scottish = 32

His death also comes a span of 65-days before his upcoming birthday, and he was killed in 'Philadelphia', the 65 city.

Think about how recently in the MLB, the Philadelphia Phillies made into the 118th World Series, which was all about 65.

For the clincher, the news of his death broke 118-days before Super Bowl 57, February 12, 2023.

Death = 118; Homicide = 118

You could also say his death came 119-days before Super Bowl 57.

It also comes 61-days before Pope Francis' birthday.


Time = 61; Jesus = 61; Cross = 61; Bar Shooting = 61

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The death of Soulja Slim, November 26, 2003+ Master P and Juvenile parralels

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