Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Stockton serial killer caught and identified as 43-year-old Wesley Brownlee. October 15, 2022

A 43-year-old serial killer gets arrested October 15th, or 10/15?

Don't overlook the $115,000 reward money either. 

The supposed killer was caught Saturday, October 15, 2022, a date with 67-numerology.

10/15/2022 = 10+15+20+22 = 67; Killer = 67

Blood Sacrifice = 67; Human Sacrifice = 67

Again, when CNN gives the details of the story, it usually NEVER makes any sense, this is no different.

Notice from the day the killing began, April 10, 2021 to the capture of the killer is EXACTLY 79-weeks later.

July 8th? Jesuit = 78; Order out of Chaos = 78 (7/8 date)

Murder = 79; *79, the 22nd prime (here we are in '22)

And the last killing supposedly ended September 27th, the day the Jesuit Order was recognized by Rome in 1540.

A 54-year-old killed on the Jesuit recognition date at 1:53 AM? 

9/27/2022 = 9+27+20+22 = 78 (Order out of Chaos = 78; Jesuit = 78)

9/27/2022 = 9+27+(2+0+2+2) = 42 (Jesuit = 42; Nigger = 42; Slavery = 42)

The mayor of Stockton is another agent 201.

So is the name of the man the city is named after, Robert F. Stockton, another 201.

The Jesuit Order = 201; Order of Illuminati = 201; Jewish Mysticism = 201

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The death of Soulja Slim, November 26, 2003+ Master P and Juvenile parralels

James Adarryl Tapp Jr. = 73 *Sacrifice = 73 *Ritual Sacrifice = 73       First, he died at age 26, on the 26th of the month. * Kill = 26; Ma...