Monday, October 24, 2022

Rishi Sunak, to become UK Prime Minister, at age 42, October 24, 2022

*England = 33; Masonry = 33; Secrecy = 33; Order = 33; Federal = 33

This comes a total span of 201-days before his upcoming birthday, and his name 'Rishi Sunak' equates to 129, which is 201 in base 8 counting.

129 is 201 in base 8 counting

The Jesuit Order = 201; Order of Illuminati = 201

Recall Liz Truss took office as PM on 9/6, two days before the Queen died at 96, and now Rishi Sunak takes office at age 42.

The divisors of 42 sum to 96.

Read more about Liz Truss resigning by the numbers here.

He'll be the first non-white? At 42?

Nigger = 42; Slavery = 42; *Jesuit = 42; Freemason = 42

Keep in mind October 24th is the 297th day of the year.

For another Jesuit connection, this comes 54-days before Pope Francis birthday.

Today also had 56-date numerology as well. 

10/24/22 = 10+24+22 = 56

And it comes on Queen Elizabeth's 187th day of her age, as this being connected.


This also comes a span of 47 days after her death.

President = 47; Authority = 47; Government = 47; *White House = 47; Republican = 47; Democrat = 47

D.C. = 47; Time = 47

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