Saturday, February 18, 2023

Jimmy Carter to begin receiving hospice care, February 18, 2023

This comes Saturday, February 18, 2023, or 2/18, like 218.

It comes exactly 20-weeks after his 98th birthday.  *Death = 218 / 20


*If he does pass away, tomorrow would be a fitting date, the 'kill' date for the month...

 Keep in mind this news comes on the 49th day of the year. *Washington = 49 / 50

Carter was the 39th President, and the word 'hospice' equates to 39.

Also, this ritual comes 63-days after Pope Francis's birthday, going with today having 63-numerology.

2/18/2023 = 2+18+20+23 = 63

Read my previous work on Jimmy Carter here:

*Today is also 90-days after Biden's birthday, or his 91st day of his age.

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