Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Former Detroit Lions player Stanley Wilson Jr., dead at 40, February 1, 2023

This news comes Wednesday, February 15, 2023, the 46th day of year.

He reportedly passed away Wednesday, February 1, 2023, a date with 46-numerology.

2/1/2023 = 2+1+20+23 = 46; Sacrifice = 46; *Catholic = 46

He died 88-days after his 40th birthday, and he played for the Detroit Lions.

And the news of his death broke 102-days after his birthday, on a date with 60-numerology.

2/15/2023 = 2+15+20+23 = 60; Nigger = 60 / 102; Slavery = 60 / 102

You could also say the news came on his 103rd day of his age, again he died right before Super Bowl 57, to conclude the 103rd NFL season.

It is reported he died after collapsing at a mental hospital.

Mental Hospital = 213; Death = 213; *LA, the 213 area code

Again, he died at age 40, as Andy Reid became 4-0, and the Kansas City Chiefs became 17-3, like 173, the 40th prime.

United States = 40; US = 40

Recall he is the son of Stanley Wilson Sr., born August 23, the same day as Kobe Bryant. You might recall the ritual with Len Dawson dying at 87, on Kobe Bryant Day, etc.

Philadelphia Eagles = 87
Len Dawson dead at 87
Travis Kelce, #87

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The death of Soulja Slim, November 26, 2003+ Master P and Juvenile parralels

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