Thursday, November 23, 2023

Chris 'Mad Dog' Russo discusses the supposed JFK assassination, November 22, 2023, on the 60th anniversary

Not a Solo Deal = 133 / 191 / 43 / 65; Society of Jesus = 191; President = 133; White House = 133

You got to love how FOX News posted this 38 minutes after the hour.

Read my prior post on Walter Cronkite announcing JFK's death, saying "some 38 minutes ago" here:

It's pretty obvious that they're using this pawn to make truth seekers look like crazy conspiracy theorists.

Furthermore, notice it is not an accident that Chris Russo shares the same birthday as Lee Harvey Oswald, born October 18.

Recall, Lee Harvey Oswald died on his 38th day of his age. 

And notice 'Mad Dog' has the 118 encoded in his name.

Again, JFK was killed in 'Dallas, Texas', another 118.

Chris Russo = 149
JFK born on May 29, the 149th day of the year
149, the 35th prime
-He was #35, and dead at 46
-Catholic = 35 / 46
-Ossuary = 118

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