Thursday, November 23, 2023

Revisiting the death of #35, John F. Kennedy, dead at 46, in light of Walter Cronkite saying "some 38 minutes ago", November 22, 1963

Again, JFK was the 35th President of the United States, only to get his head blown off at age 46.

Catholic = 35 / 46
-JFK born May 29, the 149th day of the year
-149, the 35th prime number
-Skull and Bones = 149

He died on the 187th year of the United States of America's existence, notice 'JFK Assassination', equates to 187 and 1122, reminding that he was killed on November 22, or 11/22, like 1122.

Society of Jesus = 187 / 1122
Washington, D.C. = 187 / 1122
Brotherhood of Death = 187 / 1122
-187, the homicide code

In light of it being the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuit Order being responsible, this is another Jesuit lead conspiracy. But notice JFK died 177-days after his birthday.

According to the history books, the supposed assassin of JFK was Lee Harvey Oswald, and notice he died on his 38th day of his age, being born October 18, the day leaving 74 days left in the year.

Oswald = 74
Masonic = 74
Occult = 74
Jewish = 74
Tarot = 74
Jesus = 74
Cross = 74
Messiah = 74
Killing = 74
-Death = 38
-Kabbalah = 38
-Murder = 38
-RIP = 38

It also reminds how JFK Jr., died in history at age 38, or how Jackie Kennedy died on May 19, 1994, a date with 38 numerology.

5/19/1994 = 5+1+9+1+9+9+4 = 38

Also, Jackie Kennedy died a span of 71-days before her upcoming birthday, reminding that her husband was #35, and died at age 46, being the first Catholic President.

As far as the 38 piece, it goes with Walter Cronkite announcing the news of JFK's death, saying "some 38 minutes ago"...

To make a point, it is worth mentioning that JFK died on his 178th day of his age...

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