Tuesday, December 26, 2023

322 | Kwanzaa, and Judaism in light of it being the day after Christmas (Sol Invictus)


2.6 percent, for a holiday celebrated on the 26th of December, eh?

God = 26; Adam = 26; Letter = 26

And for the 322 piece...

Think about Genesis 3:22...

Read about the pagan holiday Sol Invictus, or known as Christmas, December 25th here: https://freegematriatruth.blogspot.com/2023/12/the-real-reason-christmas-day-is.html

And something to think about is in the Gregorian calendar, in which we tell time by, 322-days is also exactly 46-weeks on the nose.

Sol Invictus = 46; Catholic = 46; Paganism = 46

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