Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The real reason Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25, and how the Catholic Church is a sun pagan cult+ Sol Invictus


Unconquered Sun = 191 / 187; Society of Jesus = 191 / 187

191, 43rd prime; Jesus Christ = 43

The celebration of Sol Invictus began on December 25 in 274 A.D., 46 years before it became the birthday of 'Iesus', or Jesus Christ, as we now know it.

Religion = 46; Paganism = 46; Genesis 3:22

Notice the Jesuit motto 'Iesus Hominum Salvator' connects with the year 274 AD.

And also, notice where the year 320 AD connects with 'Roman Catholic Church'.

Also, let us not forget that 12/25 is like 1225, having a square root of 35.

Holy See = 35; Jesuitism = 35; Eye = 35

35 and 46.


Again, 'Sol Invictus' means 'Unconquered Sun', notice where that factors in.

191, the 43rd prime; Jesus Christ = 43; Eye of Horus = 43

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